søndag, oktober 30, 2005

New Delhi, India

57 people killed by explotions.

fredag, oktober 28, 2005


7 people killed by an airattack.

torsdag, oktober 27, 2005


2 people killed under an attack.

Hadera, Israel

5 people killed by suicide bomb.

tirsdag, oktober 25, 2005

Sulaimaniya, Iraq

9 people killed by a carbomb.

Kabul, Afghanistan

5 people killed under an attack.

Baghdad, Iraq

20 people killed by bomb.

lørdag, oktober 22, 2005

Alexandria, Egypt

3 people killed during riots.

torsdag, oktober 20, 2005


3 people killed in a hostage drama.

onsdag, oktober 19, 2005

Basra, Iraq

1 british soldier killed by bomb on the road.

Naltjik, Russia

All 137 insurgents shot.

tirsdag, oktober 18, 2005

Calabrien, Italy

A politician killed by the mafia.

mandag, oktober 17, 2005

Gush Etzion, The West Bank

3 israelian people killed.

Ramadi, Iraq

39 civilians OR 70 insurgents killed by an american air-attack.

lørdag, oktober 15, 2005


6 iraqi soldiers killed.

Ahvas, Iran

4 people killed by bombs.

Tal Afar, Iraq

60 people killed by suicide bombs.

fredag, oktober 14, 2005

Naltjik, Russia

8 insurgents killed.

Naltjik, Russia

85 poeple killed under a rebellion-attack.

torsdag, oktober 13, 2005

Russia near Chechnye

3 amed men killed.

onsdag, oktober 12, 2005


12 iraqian killed by danish soldiers.

lørdag, oktober 08, 2005

Vanløse, Denmark

A man killed.

Morocco - Algeria

24 morrocan killed by sending them out in the desert without food or water.

fredag, oktober 07, 2005

Fallujah, Iraq

4 american soldiers killed.

Morocco - Spain

6 people killed trying to cross the border.

onsdag, oktober 05, 2005

Lagos, Nigeria

3 people killed in gunfire between the police and the military.

mandag, oktober 03, 2005


31 insurgents killed by the government's military.


28 insurgents killed by the american military in the city of Qaim.
36 insurgents killed by the american military.
2 bodyguards for the iraqian minister of oil killed.

søndag, oktober 02, 2005


1 policeman killed.

lørdag, oktober 01, 2005

Dafur, Sudan

34 people killed by arabic horcemen.

Basra, Iraq

1 danish soldier killed by bomb.


22 people killed by a series of explotions.