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3 people killed under a hunt for terrorists.
14 people killed under military operations and other attacks.
2 policemen killed by a roadside bomb.
2 palestinian killed by a missile attack.
4 soldiers killed by a bomb.
6 people killed when pushed of a train.
12 people killed under an air attack.
8 people killed by a suicidebomb.
32 people found executed.
23 people killed by explotions.
8 people killed by carbombs.
5 american soldiers killed by roadside bombs.
5 people killed by a granade.
16 soldiers and7 insurgents killed during battles.
3 people shot during demonstrations.
7 soldiers killed under attack from insurgents.
1 woman killed by a grenade with tear gas.
6 people killed by a suicidebomb.
3 soldiers killed during battles.
11 people killed by a bomb.
7 constructionworkers killed.
4 people killed by a bomb.
11 people killed under an attack.
47 people killed during battles.
1 man killed by a knife under an attack.
6 policemen killed under an attack.
11 people kidnapped and killed.
15 people killed by a carbomb.
26 people killed by a carbomb.
5 people killed by an explotion.
2 policemen killed by a Claymore land mine.
6 children killed by a rocket.
45 people killed by a bomb.
1 killed under a demonstration.
1 man killed by an atillery-attack.
1 american soldier killed under shooting in Baghdad.1 american soldier killed by a roadbomb near Baiji.1 american soldier killed under collision with insurgents in Al-Anbar.
5 people killed by a rocket.
79 people killed by suicidebombs.
8 people executed by a serialkiller.
40 people killed by suiceboms.
1 man killed because of his race.
1 man killed by a suicidebomb.
15 people killed by a carbomb.
20 people killed under violent collisions.
7 people kille by a carbomb.
10 people killed by explotions.
29 american soldiers killed in the month march, 2006.
8 people killed under collisions between kurdish demostrants and turkish security.
3 people killed by heavy explotions.